Interruptions are a part of life. Some interruptions are important and worthy of our redirected attention.
But how many other times do you simply switch gears because someone asked for something?
When you are interrupted and forced to focus on something else, it takes time to get refocused on the prior activity. If this happens once, not a big deal. But if this happens multiple times a day, this creates a significant impact on your productivity.
Prioritizing your activities is important, but it is critical you then defend your top priority activities from interruption.
It’s a challenge for many of us because we have a desire to help others and don’t like to say “no.” But you don’t have to say “no,” you can tell them, “Not right now, I’m working on something critical.” And then let them know when you will be available at an appropriate break in your activity.
Don’t fall victim to allowing everyone else to set your priorities for you because you won’t defend your own.