Do The Right Thing First

How many times do you get to the end of the day and think, “I didn’t get to that because I ran out of time.”

It’s not about time, but priority.

Are you intentional about prioritizing your activities every day?

It’s human nature to spend the most time doing the things we like. Makes sense doesn’t it? Then we might carve out things that we know we have to do and can tolerate. We tend to leave the things we despise for last or the things we know we should do, but dislike (like exercise).

When we spend our evening binge watching Netflix and then sigh heavily at bedtime because we just didn’t have time to exercise, it has nothing to do with time. It was our conscious choice of Netflix over exercise because we didn’t prioritize properly. And in this example, if we had put exercise first, there still would have been time for Netflix.

We all have the same number of hours each day. What we choose to do with them is up to each of us.