The nursery rhyme – “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me” is a lie.
Words can build someone up or crush their spirit. They can motivate or demoralize.
Sometimes people don’t consider how powerful their words can be or how they can leave a lasting impression.
As a leader or parent, you can intimidate and beat down or you can encourage and lift up.
As a writer you can promote divisiveness and animosity or foster harmony and understanding.
As a colleague or friend, you can humiliate and disparage or encourage and support.
This doesn’t mean you can’t have difficult discussions. You can, but they should be conducted with compassion and empathy.
Think before you speak. Consider your tone as much as the words you choose. Put yourself in the other person’s shoes and consider how you would feel with what is about to be said if it was directed at you. Think twice if what you are about to say is negative. It might need to be said, but remember – once it passes your lips, you can’t take it back.